16 Years of Honoring Leadership

16 Years of Honoring Leadership

“The most important person you will ever lead is yourself.” Leadershipology.com On this Veterans Day, I would like to take this opportunity to honor and pay respect to the servicemen and women who served our country unselfishly. Their heroism and leadership are what...
Live a Life of Honor

Live a Life of Honor

God spoke of honoring three different types of people, our mother and father, the elderly and those individuals what are in authority over us. Honor, starts first with our mother and father. This is important to God, so important He made it one of the Ten...
It’s All About You

It’s All About You

Who you are determines the way you see everything. You cannot separate your identity from your perspective. All that you are and every experience you’ve had color how you see things. It is your lens. Here’s what I mean: If you look at a lemon through sunglasses having...
The Why of Leadership: Part 4 – Success is in the System!

The Why of Leadership: Part 4 – Success is in the System!

Do you have a systematic approach to your personal and professional growth? I have found there to be three foundational elements in my system for personal and professional growth. Resource yourself. Resistance yourself. Refocus yourself. Resource yourself … what...
Five Characteristics of Successful People (Part 5: Persistence)

Five Characteristics of Successful People (Part 5: Persistence)

This week we have been looking at five characteristics all successful people have – vision, goals, belief, and learning. Today we will introduce the fifth characteristic all successful people share: Persistence. As a leader, you will encounter adversity. When you do,...
Five Characteristics of Successful People (Part 4: Learning)

Five Characteristics of Successful People (Part 4: Learning)

Yesterday, I shared the third characteristic of successful people: Belief. Successful people believe they will be successful. Although they may have thoughts of fear, uncertainty, doubt, and other negative emotions, successful people show the willingness to take...