Who you are determines the way you see everything. You cannot separate your identity from your perspective. All that you are and every experience you’ve had color how you see things. It is your lens.

Here’s what I mean: If you look at a lemon through sunglasses having blue lenses, what color is the lemon? Green, right? No, it is yellow. The color of the lemon does not change, only how you see it does.

“We do not see things how they are, we see things how we are.”Leadershipology.com

The way people see others is a reflection of themselves. If I am a trusting person, I will see others as trustworthy. If I am a critical person, I will see others as critical. If I am a caring person, I will see others as compassionate.

If you change yourself and become the kind of person you desire to be, you will begin to view others in a whole new light. And that will change the way you interact in all of your relationships.