You’re great. I’m not saying that to make you feel good. I’m just telling you. Whether I know you or not, I can tell you that. Why? Because God made you unique. He made you distinct. Although you are uniquely and wonderfully made, it is up to you to Discover, Develop and Deploy the greatness God has given you. Some people have greatness in them, but it’s laden. They never intentionally Discover, Develop or Deploy their greatness and they often end up with a great mess, not greatness.

What makes the “Great”, great?

  • Their attitude towards hard and easy
  • Their attitude about poverty and wealth
  • Their desire to be more than average

I live by this ology…Only those who seek to develop their own personal greatness can identify and attract the greatness in others. Why is attracting others important? Because no one ever achieves their full God given potential alone. Again, people who do not personally grow and develop will not attract greatness. They will repel greatness because they’re just the same ol’ same ol’.

Every person has a GQ…a Greatness Quotient. Personal Greatness often lies in your untapped potential. Potential is tapped every time we are faced with a situation that reveals our attitude. If I am negative in negative situations, I have made no progress. If I am negative in a positive situation, I am going backwards and further stunting my untapped potential. But every time I choose to be positive, especially in a negative situation, I am calling my Greatness to the forefront of my life. As you lead yourself with a positive attitude, you strengthen your GQ and ensure yourself of accomplishing great things that others only dream about. Exercise your God-given ability to be positive in every situation and you will increase your GQ to make great things happening as a way of life.

How will you attract greatness to be one of the GREAT?