Expectations can be described as a double-edged sword.

If someone does what you expect them to do, then the tendency is to be ungrateful because they did…what you expected them to do.

If someone doesn’t do what you expect them to do, then the tendency is to be disappointed because they didn’t do…what you expected them to do.

So, what’s the expectation solution?

Years ago, I saw an interview on Nightline with Ted Koppel and Warren Buffet. Koppel asked Buffet how he had managed to stay married through the ups and downs of life. I will never forget Buffet’s response. He said, “Low Expectations!”

The first duty of managing the paradox of expectations is to lower your expectations on others and live up to your own expectations first. Guard yourself against two things: 1. Expecting more out of others than you do yourself and 2. projecting your expectations on others.

Finally, I encourage you to lead yourself with your own expectations and maybe you will create a draft of excellence for others to follow.