Have you lost your passion?

We all experience a loss of passion at some point in our lives. A lack of passion for any area of life is due to a lack of vision for that area.

Vision? Yes, vision.

Your vision is the picture of the future you desire. When Helen Keller was asked, “What would be worse than being blind?” she replied, “Being able to see, but having no vision.” Your vision drives your passion and your passion energizes your vision. They are dependent upon each other. They are inseparable.

Back to my question… is there an area in your life where you have you lost your passion? Is there an area where you have settled? Maybe in the area of personal growth and development? Diet and exercise? A relationship?

Reignite your passion by revisiting your vision – clarify it, crystallize it, and keep it in front of you. Create a vision board to keep the picture of your desired future in front of you. A well developed, clear vision directs your passion. Passion translates that direction from have-to’s into get-to’s and energizes your vision.

Vision and passion… they work together and are inseparable