Miracles don’t just happen, but moments do. When we take natural moments, negative or positive, and use them to create positive momentum, the moment becomes a super-natural moment— a miracle! 

When we choose to see the positive in the negative, we are creating momentum in the moment. When we choose to learn from our experiences both good and bad, we are creating momentum, because we are choosing to grow.

When you choose to be an Energy Producer and not an Energy Demander, you create momentum in any moment. When you understand that your attitude is the hinge that the door of your destiny swings on, you create momentum in any moment to open any door!

When we understand the power we have to choose how a moment will affect us, we can then begin to define the moment instead of the moment defining us. It’s at that point that: moment + momentum = miracle.

We cannot determine everything that happens to us, but we can define how what happens affects us.Leadershipology.com

You have the power to turn moments into miracles. Rather than having defining moments, we have miracle moments that define a super-natural life, and we can overcome all natural limitations and deficiencies!

An excerpt from the book, Your Divine Fingerprint, chapter 1 – Your Defining Moments.

To purchase a copy of Your Divine Fingerprint, click here.

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