When you begin to master the art of self-leadership, you begin to understand thinking beyond normal and you then can know you have greatness to give others. As you mature as a leader, you will be motivated to serve others by becoming a Servant Leader. That is where leadership beyond yourself begins to bear fruit. You begin to understand that you can make a difference anywhere, anytime!

Leading oneself to serve others (Servant Leadership) is one of the greatest forms of generosity and is an expose of a heart filled with love. – Leadershipology.com

When Servant-Leading becomes an instinctive part of your 1%, you become a Change Agent. You become a Transformational Leader.

Transformational Leaders…

  • Don’t just want to lead but also want to make a difference
  • Live what they say and walk their talk
  • Come examples of excellence for others to follow
  • Are passionate about helping others fulfill their God-given potential
  • Are willing to boldly grow where they have never grown before
  • Believe circumstances can change for the better
  • Become the change they want to see

Because anyone can choose to be a Servant Leader, everybody can become a Transformational Leader!