The decisions you make today are the determinant factors for your circumstances tomorrow.”

There are certain things in life that determine other things. They are called determinant factors. Your decisions are one of your most powerful determinant factors about the future you will live in. We create our future circumstances by the decisions we make every day. Every decision is a seed planted for your future. Good decisions…good fruit. Bad decisions…bad fruit.

You can determine a better future, by making better decisions today.   

You can decide to exercise today and eat right and it will determine good health tomorrow.

You can decide to give generously today and it will determine the generosity of God and others towards you tomorrow.

You can decide to save and invest 10% of your income today, and it will determine financial independence tomorrow.

You can decide to serve and add value to the lives of others today and it will determine great relationships tomorrow.

You can decide to give life your best today and it will determine having the best from life tomorrow.

You will produce good fruit when you make good decisions.

From my book, Leadershipology 101. For more information, click here.
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For daily, inspirational leadership quotes, click here.