What you believe is more important than what anyone will ever tell you. In fact, what you believe about YOURSELF drives your behavior and the actions you take.

If I were to ask you, “What is the most important part of a tree?”  I hope your answer would be, the roots!  It is an indisputable fact. Our beliefs are like the roots of a tree…the deeper they go, the higher the tree potentially grows. You cannot see them, but they determine what you do see. The roots never stop growing.

“Beliefs are like the roots of a tree; the deeper they go, the higher the tree potentially grows.” –Leadershipology.com

My personal belief is that it is our job to believe, and it is God’s job to do the impossible. However, as powerful as our beliefs are, belief alone is not enough. We must do something with our belief. The gap between our belief and God doing the impossible is…our taking action. We have to give God something to work with.

“Our job is to believe and take action. God’s job is to do the impossible.” –Leadershipology.com

YOU have greatness in you to do great things! But a failure to believe results in a failure to take action. A failure to take action results in a failure to achieve. Believe it and take responsibility to act on what you believe!

From my book, Your Divine Fingerprint. For more information, click here.
From my daily inspirational leadership quotes, Leadershipology. For more information, click here.
For additional personal growth and development resources, click here.