YOU are the most important shaper of your life. We have many influences that can shape us, but WE must take responsibility for shaping ourselves so we can shape the world we want.

There is a story about a pastor who was preparing for his weekend sermon in his home office. His preteen son kept interrupting him, and the pastor was not making much progress on his message. As his son came into his office one more time looking for something fun to do, the pastor reached into a magazine bin next to his desk. He opened one of the magazines and found page with a picture of the world on it. He tore the page out of the magazine and then ripped it up into pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. He said, “Son, I have a game for you. I am giving you what looks like torn-up pieces of paper, but they actually pieces to a puzzle. The puzzle is a picture of a world, and I want you to go into the kitchen and put the world together by fitting all the pieces together. When you finish, come get me and I will give you a quarter!”

The son was very excited to take the challenge. He hurriedly gathered the pieces from his father and left the room. The pastor was excited because he knew he would have some undisturbed time to finish his message.

Within five minutes his son returned. And with a big smile on his face he said, “I’ve solved the puzzle, Dad!” The father looked at the puzzle and saw the picture of the world perfectly pieced together. He asked the son, “How did you do that so quickly, Son?” The son answered, “Well, Dad, on the other side of the world was a picture of a man. And as I pieced together the man, the world came together!”

God has given each of us a unique deposit of his glory. It is revealed in the individual fingerprint He has given you. I refer to it as your divine fingerprint.

“God has given you a unique fingerprint to leave an imprint (on this world) that no one else can leave.” –

As you discover, develop, and deploy your divine fingerprint, you are taking responsibility for shaping yourself. As you take shape, you shape the world around you, leaving an imprint on it that no one else can leave!