“You will never be tough enough to rule on a greater measure until you serve on a level that is greater than yourself.” –Leadershipology

What is servant leadership? Servant leadership does not mean volunteer; it transcends volunteer. Servant leadership is the most effective way to develop personal greatness that generates competence, and attitude and skills that empowers one to find a need and, not just fill it, but lead it.

When you lead yourself to serve others, you are setting an example to those around you. Setting this type of example in your personal life or in your place of business, you are setting an atmosphere of excellence. Would you like an employee like this, a friend like this or your family to lead like this, SOMEONE that lives their life in such a way that they exude excellence? Now, that’s not the motivation to serve. The motivation is, to lead myself to serve, in leading myself to serve above and beyond; I create a spirit of excellence around me that breeds quality and brings quality to wherever I’m serving, no matter how much I’m getting paid.

By leading myself to serve on any level, I am creating a position of leadership, wherever I lead. I’m leading myself to do, what needs to be done, and being a leader in the process. When you acquire this way of thinking, of leading yourself, of serving other people, this is the core, of servant leadership.

When you embrace a lifestyle like this, it will never be about what you do, it becomes about who you are. You bring your unique greatness to whatever environment you are in, personal or business.

It is not about doing your own thing…it is about doing the right thing and serving others above and beyond.

Being a servant leader allows you to LEAD yourself to greatness!

Click here to see more about, 1% Factor Series Session 7, Servant Leadership Your Gateway to Greatness