Because God sees things from the End to the Beginning, and not Beginning to End, things have to come to an End, before there can be a new Beginning!” –

In our natural order of things, we see things in this sequence: Beginning…Middle and End. God in His supernatural order of things sees the opposite: The End…Middle…New Beginning.

The first thing God said in Genesis was, let there be light! It was an end to darkness. God always brings an End to something before He does something new. The only common denominator between our natural thought process and God’s supernatural thought process is the Middle. We all know there is a Middle and yet, we do not understand what I call the Significance of the Middle. God always wants to do His new thing in our lives, but we must embrace the End of the way things have been and then the Middle between what has been and the New Beginning…what is possible. The Significance of the Middle is our unique process. It is the lessons that we must learn to prepare us for the New Beginning where God is going to do His new thing in our lives.

What are you in the Middle of that are your lessons to learn? Let come to an End what needs to come to an End. Let the Middle teach you to trust Him like never before, so you can step into your New Beginning…today!

From the book, Leadershipology 101, by Keith Craft. For more information, click here.
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