When my son was about eight years old, we spent a family day at a popular theme park. As the day progressed, he expressed the need to use the facilities. We headed to the nearest men’s restroom and upon entering, saw that it was a horrible mess.
As I held his little hand, I explained that this place was like this because people used it but did not take the responsibility for how they left it. So, after using the facilities, we cleaned up the entire space … why? … to practice self-leadership. I wanted my son to know that WE, as Crafts, take responsibility for making every place WE go, a better place.
This story is not about me, the trash, or cleaning public restrooms. Rather, it is about finding a need and not just filling it … but also leading yourself to lead the need. It’s about being mindful and leading yourself in a way that, in any and every situation, you can make a difference!
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