“Leadership is being before doing.” –Leadershipology.com

Leadership is a way of Thinking, Being and Doing life, that determines what you have in life.

Leadership begins with Thinking beyond normal. It is a choice to Be more than what comes natural/normal. It is a way of Doing life on a “what’s more” than required level.

Leadership is not about a particular position. Leadership is about a choice—your ability to choose to lead yourself to be the best YOU that you can be all the time. Leadership is a choice to THINK, BE, DO to the best of your ability, all the time.

The discovery and recognition of your 1% Factor – the unique fingerprint that no one else has, to leave a unique imprint that no one else can leave – is a discovery and recognition of your ability to lead. At a minimum, it is your God-given ability to lead yourself. That’s a big deal! People who discover their 1% Factor begin to develop their uniqueness, and in the process consistently become the best they can be.

How are you using your 1% in your life as a leader?

From my book Leadershipology 101. For more information, click here.
For additional personal growth and development resources, click here.
For daily, inspirational leadership quotes, click here.