“The best way to influence others is to live to serve others.”Leadershipology.com

Jesus said the person who is the greatest, is the one who serves. This was the secret of Joseph having the favor of God on his life. Even while he was in prison, he found favor with the prison guards and was made the leader of the prisoners.

There are 3 kinds of people:

1) Those who don’t do what they are asked to do

2) Those who do what they are asked to do

3) Those who do more than they are asked to do

You develop influence by serving others and making life more about others, than about you. Those who attract others to themselves are individuals who focus on others, not themselves. They ask questions of others. They listen. They don’t try to be the center of attention. They never try to pretend they’re perfect. And most importantly, they think, be, and do … servant-leadership. It’s really a matter of attitude.

With this attitude toward others, you will develop favor with others … and when you have favor with others, you have influence!

From Keith Craft’s book, Leadershipology 101, for more, click here.
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