This Memorial Day, I encourage you to join me in paying homage to those who have given all they have for the unmerited benefit of so many. To give honor to whom honor is due. We cannot pay our debt to our country’s fallen heroes. However, we can remember and honor them by being faithful in preserving the very ideals and values they fought to defend. Pass these ideals along to our children, teaching them to remember and honor those who have given so much for their benefit.

“You can have and receive what you see in someone else if you give honor. Be the beneficiary of the greatness of others. Give honor to whom honor is due.” –

In the same way, we also remember the One who gave of Himself for the unmerited benefit of so many. We cannot pay our debt to Him – so instead, we surrender the entirety of our being to Him and cast ourselves upon His redeeming work and amazing grace. If we truly honor Christ as Lord, then we will live with a Biblical worldview, passing His ideals and values on to our children and teaching them to remember great sacrifice He made for them. The responsibility for transmitting truth and virtue from one generation to the next lies in the hands of the passing generation. Be faithful in both instances!

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.” –Psalm 33:12 NKJV

God bless YOU and YOURS on this Memorial Day!