Today’s blog is a continuation of yesterday’s where we discussed the importance of asking for help.

The second way to leave negative conversations without a negative mindset is to:

Change Your Life Sentence: this is the only way to be able to hear people properly with whom we are not close enough to ask their help.

Take the filter off.  We need to not think about “how” they said something, and we need to not think about how what they said made us feel.  We need to replace our Life Sentence filter with this “People think well of me, they value me, and therefore they would not say something to intentionally hurt or offend me.”  Now with this new filter, instead of hearing their statements as a comment about who and how we are, we can hear what they said as an expression of their own feelings or needs.

Next we need to let our thought be “How can I better meet this persons needs.”  With that filter in place, we begin to listen to how they feel about what they are saying rather than how it makes us feel and we operate with a mindset of listening for their heart rather than how we feel about what they are saying.

Let me close with a quote from Keith on page 153, “The most important conversation you will have every day is with yourself because it cycles back into your own mind in the form of attitudes, opinions, and beliefs.”

With that in mind, let’s change our non-constructive attitudes, opinions and beliefs today by choosing to change the conversation in our head so that we may hear the people around us differently.  Once we can truly hear each other’s heart, then we take a hold of God’s heart by accomplishing the great things for which we were put together.