“Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice.” – William James

Practice with excellence and motivation because it awakens the potential of your 1%! I believe you can win at life and achieve true success through practice. Practice with excellence. Practice with motivation.

Practice refines your game and allows the greatness of your 1% Factor to be Discovered, Developed, and Deployed.

Let me challenge you to practice at least five things every day.

  1. Practice Spiritually

Allow me to encourage you to open your spirit to the Spirit of God. Read the Bible for yourself. Before you read it, ask God to speak His Word to you. Reading the Bible is just one way you can practice spirituality.

  1. Practice Emotionally

What I mean by this is to learn to rule your emotions. One of the best ways to practice emotionally is to practice forgiveness.

  1. Practice Intellectually

I really do believe that being a lifelong learner is the greatest secret of lifelong success!

Practice Intellectually by reading books that inspire your thinking. Read books about key interest, finance, self-help, leadership, and other subjects that will expand your mind beyond your normal thought processes.

  1. Practice Physically

You have ONE body! That’s it! The Bible calls it the “Temple of God.” When you exercise, you are practicing physically so you can be healthy. God gave you your body to serve you, not for you to serve your body.

  1. Practice Financially

This is one of the most important things you can ever do for long-term success. Generosity is one of the ways that you can practice financially and prosper for the rest of your life.

What do you need to practice more to give you more of a winning edge?