Think Opportunity

Think Opportunity

“With every opportunity comes responsibility.” When it comes to personal growth and development, there are no limits to one’s progress. You can use every situation, person or circumstance for your own personal growth. You grow when you...
Are You Easily Offended?

Are You Easily Offended?

“When you understand Spiritual Authority, you won’t be easily offended.” The Bible says… “If God is for us, who can be against us.” Romans 8:31 “Great peace have those who love your law and nothing causes them to...
Leadership Is A Choice

Leadership Is A Choice

“Leadership is being before doing.” Leadership is a way of Thinking, Being and Doing life, that determines what you have in life. Leadership begins with Thinking beyond normal. It is a choice to Be more than what comes natural/normal. It is a way...
The Greatest Seed

The Greatest Seed

“Use what you have to bless people and you will never run out of blessings.” Voltaire said, “If we would destroy the Christian religion we must, first of all, destroy man’s belief in the Bible.” Every word of the bible is a...
Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

“Don’t just ask ‘What do I want?’ Ask ‘What price am I willing to pay for what I want?’ Our desires stem from our passion. Don’t waste your passion on things that won’t take you where you want to go....
New Beginning

New Beginning

“Because God sees things from the End to the Beginning, and not Beginning to End, things have to come to an End, before there can be a new Beginning!” In our natural order of things, we see things in this sequence: Beginning…Middle and End....