Happy New Year!

The word for 2017 is GROW … this is our year to GROW! So, get ready! Get set! Let’s GROW!

The word GROW can be defined: to arise; to cause to develop and flourish; to cause to increase or expand by concerted effort; to progress to maturity.

Today, I’m sharing some thoughts about the definition of GROW.

To arise.

Isaiah 60:1,2 (NKJV) says, “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.”

It’s time to arise! It’s time for everything in your life to arise and shine!

To cause to develop and flourish.

Things you have been working on are going to GROW and flourish! And, if you are not developing something, you are not giving God something to work with. Start developing your dream. If you have a dream, start working on it. Find an “engine” where your gifts and talents are maximized and appreciated. Ensure your “engine” and relationships align, so that your highest and best use can be on display. This is not for the purpose of people saying, “Look at that,” but for them to say, “Wow God! You are an awesome God!”

What are you going to develop in 2017 that is going to flourish?

To increase and expand by concerted effort, causing increase and expansion, and progress to maturity.

The word concerted comes from the root word concert. When everyone plays their part, it creates a concert that is a result of concerted effort. This concerted effort becomes an unstoppable force, causing increase and expansion and progress to maturity.

Over the next few days, I will be blogging about the following quote and three things God has called us to “GROW up” in.

 “Nothing goes Up on the outside of your life until you Grow Up on the inside of your life.” – Leadershipology.com

Based on the message, How to Grow Like Jesus. To view the full message, click here.

For addition personal growth and development resources, click here.

For daily, inspirational leadership quotes, click here or visit Leadershipology.com.