Transformation is written by your life story. You are writing a life, a chapter each day, by deeds that you do and words that you say. People read what you write, whether faithless or true; what is life according to you?

When people look at your life, it either influences them for the positive or influences them for the negative. Agree or disagree, it doesn’t change the truth. Either you have a positive influence, a negative influence, or no influence. You will develop yourself as a Transformational Leader based on your life story and the choices you make. Your life story will reveal if you were leading yourself or if you followed the crowd.

So, I encourage you to identify the key events in your life that brought about the most growth. One way that you can do that is by drawing a timeline and mark within decades particular years when things happened that tell your life story.

What you learn will empower you to use your 1% Factor. (You have a unique fingerprint that no one else has, to leave a unique imprint that no one else can leave.)

You will discover that if you can change and transform for the better, anything you are a part of can change.

From my book, Your Divine Fingerprint. For more information, click here.
For additional personal growth and development resources, click here.
For daily, inspirational leadership quotes, click here.