“If you are too big to follow, you are too small to lead.” – Leadershipology.com
The hardest thing you will ever do is to lead yourself … beyond your normal ways of thinking, being, and doing. It is the highest personal priority you will ever have and without it, you cannot lead powerfully!
Here are three things you can do to lead yourself power-fully.
- Think: FOLLOW
Everybody follows someone. But many people are not aware of who they are following or even why. Have you thought about who you are following and why are you following them?
Leaders are intentional about who they choose to follow … and know why they are following them. In deciding who to follow:
- look for leaders who have proof of what they live. Choose to follow people who walk-the-talk and have produced the fruit in their lives that prove it. Submitting to someone who is living proof of what they say works – whether you agree with it or not – is key.
- look for leaders who are knowers, because they are growers. I am not saying that leaders know everything. I am saying, however, to spend your time with people who are growing because they are moving into knowing.
What does discipline mean? It means to instruct or educate; to inform; to prepare by instructing incorrect principles or habits.
In the Bible, Jesus said, “Come follow me.” He was saying be disciplined in your thinking, being, and doing. When you choose to be disciplined and do what the Word of God says, you are literally being disciplined by the Word of God … Jesus Himself!
Leaders give people something to respect by living a standard.
What do I mean by standards? The standard is the Word of God. It is often very difficult to tell the difference between a believer and an unbeliever.
Stand out from the crowd … live a life worthy of following!
Based on the, Power series message entitled, “The Power of Leadership, Part 1” For more information on the full message, click here.
For additional personal growth and development resources, click here.
For daily, inspirational leadership quotes, click here.
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