DO Extravagant generosity!

The story of Rebekah in the Bible is one that we learn about a young woman from nobility, serving others with a caring heart and extravagant generosity. Rebekah’s story is found in Genesis 24, where Abraham commissions his servant, Eliezer to search for a bride for his son, Isaac. Abraham’s request for Isaac’s bride to be righteous and help carry on what God had proclaimed over Abraham’s descendants.

Eliezer developed a test of how he would find such a woman. Upon his arrival, he would ask a young woman for a sip of water and if she agreed and then offered water for his camels too, she would indeed be the one for Isaac. The self-less act of going beyond the request of water for Eliezer and offering water to the camels would align to the kindness and generosity of Abraham and his family.

When Eliezer and his traveling party arrived in Nahor, they had many men and camels with them. They went straight to a well for water and encountered Rebekah. Rebekah was not a peasant girl; she was of nobility. She was not use to fetching pots of water and carrying them herself. Eliezer saw her and asked her for a sip of water from her jug, she gave him the pot of water and without hesitation offered water for all the camels in the traveling party. Eliezer only requested water for himself, her gesture of going beyond his request and retrieve the water and carry it for all of the camels was a significant gesture of hospitality. Eliezer watched her complete the task fully so that he could see the intent of her generous spirit and that her motivation was to serve others with kindness. This is all Eliezer needed to see, Rebekah was indeed the girl for Isaac. She would be the type of wife that joined together with Isaac would carry out God’s commission for Abraham and his descendants.

Eliezer watched as Rebekah completed the task with her EXTRA-vagant generosity and completed the task without complaining, but with a heart of serving and giving to others.

Leading oneself to serve others (Servant Leadership) is one of the greatest forms of generosity and is an expose of a heart filled with love.” –

Excerpt from EXCEL in EXCELLENCE – Part 1
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