What Is A Genius?

What Is A Genius?

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” — Albert Einstein 1828 Webster’s definition: Genius is “a peculiar nature, disposition, aptitude or character that...
Self-Mastery … Me? Really?

Self-Mastery … Me? Really?

“Self-Discipline opens the door to Self-Discovery. Self-Discovery breeds Self-Confidence. Self-Confidence develops Self-Competence. Self-Competence leads to Self-Mastery!” –Leadershipology.com What do you think of when you hear the term, self-mastery? You might...
The Incredible YOU!

The Incredible YOU!

YOU are the most important shaper of your life. We have many influences that can shape us, but WE must take responsibility for shaping ourselves so we can shape the world we want. There is a story about a pastor who was preparing for his weekend sermon in his home...
Winners Never (Ever) Stop Learning

Winners Never (Ever) Stop Learning

Too many people settle in life. They begin with big dreams but over time, they settle in. They earn their degrees, secure an income, start a family, buy a house, and then just coast. They stop learning. They plateau A study conducted by the Jenkins Group states that...
The Key Ingredient to a Quality-filled Life

The Key Ingredient to a Quality-filled Life

A quality-filled life is possible because Great Relationships are developed and maintained. They are the key ingredient to having a quality-filled life. The way to have great relationships is to: BE a person of character … BE a faithful and consistent person...

How to Never Run Out of Blessings!

Use what you have to bless people and you will never run out of blessings. You are blessed with life so that you can be a blessing to others. Some people wait until they have more than they have right now to be a blessing. They think, “If I had more, I would do more.”...