One day while driving, I was listening to talk radio. It was a live call-in show about first-date experiences. It was hilarious, but there was one particular caller who got my attention. CALLER: I was listening to your show and wanted to call in and tell you about a...
Questions are powerful because they direct and reveal answers. Some people ask questions about the past…what has been? Why did that happen to me? A better question would be, how can I use what happened to me to make my life better? Some people ask questions...
Here are three reasons to live a grateful life… Gratitude helps you reset your heart to be fixed on what matters most…so you won’t be “issued” by what matters least. So many times, we focus on life’s “issues” and not on God. But the obstacles in our life are not the...
“Successful people are those who have learned to take moments of time and make them successful.” – There are 1440 minutes in a day. Every minute represents a moment of time. Seizing the day begins with seizing a moment. Your moments are your...
How do I define winning? I define winning as a mindset. It’s a way of thinking that energizes the heart or your being with passion to supernaturally excel beyond what is naturally possible in your doing. If you win in something, you can win in everything. Winning is a...
Do you have any obstacles in your life right now that you’re trying to work through? Winning is the ability to overcome any obstacle that stands between you and your goal – the goal that is required to produce the outcome that you want. The key is in knowing that your...