“The most important person you will ever lead is yourself.” Leadershipology.com
On this Veterans Day, I would like to take this opportunity to honor and pay respect to the servicemen and women who served our country unselfishly. Their heroism and leadership are what provides the freedom that we have today. Make time today to show your appreciation to our veterans and their families.
When I founded Elevate Life (in January 2000), my goal was to establish a love-based leadership culture. Its purpose was simple – to help people Love, Learn and Lead themselves and empowering others to do the same. I emphasized the importance of having Pillar Events around four specific ministry areas – Men, Women, Marriage, and Leadership – to mark the imprint of Biblical Leadership that our church will leave in the earth. At our pillar events, we celebrate and honor by strengthening marriages and families…men developing a deeper relationship with God…women desiring to lead themselves and impact others…leadership building. These four pillar events bring about a transformational church culture that impacts and influences the world with the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel!
Tonight, we will be handing out awards to individuals who see the Vision, live the Mission, know the Purpose and create an Atmosphere of excellence. These individuals lead themselves and others by having an understanding of leadership with a Biblical Worldview. Tomorrow morning, we will have impartation on leadership.
If you are in the Dallas area, please join us. This event is open to everyone. Please visit www.ElevateLife.com/Events to register.
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