“You have a fingerprint that nobody else has to leave an imprint that nobody else can leave!” –Leadershipology.com

Ninety-nine percent of your DNA sequence is the same as every other human being. So, while science proves how similar we all are in our DNA, it also reveals how unique we are. There is a crucial difference – a 1% difference – between you and every other person that has ever been, and will be, born.

Why am I placing such emphasis on being unique?

1. I want you to realize how incredible you are. You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God to be like Him! There has never been a YOU in the world. The world is waiting on your 1%, because with what you bring, it can get better.

2. Your 1% uniqueness is your X-factor for success! As my mentor, Zig Ziglar, said, “Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Nobody else was or is made just like you because nobody else has your exact purpose on this earth. You bring to every relationship, every encounter, and every experience a unique perspective and set of abilities. You have been designed, engineered, and endowed by God to bring an expression of Him to the world it has never seen before. In other words, you have been “downloaded” by God, with something from God to give others that no one else has ever had – evidenced by your fingerprint. Could it be that you have a fingerprint that nobody else has to leave an imprint on this world that nobody else can leave?

Understanding your fingerprint – your 1%, your God-given uniqueness – determines the significance of the imprint you leave on the world!