Whatever you choose not to resolve you choose to dissolve.” –Leadershipology.com

The Bible says, “In your anger, do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger and give a foothold to the devil.” It is not wrong to get angry, but one of the ways we sin (literally miss the mark) is to allow conflict to go unresolved.

Conflict does not go away because you ignore it. Conflict doesn’t dissolve, but unresolved it can dissolve relationships.

Here are 3 ways to resolve conflict and avoid dissolving a relationship:

1) Choose to fight the good fight of faith, believe God’s way is better than yours.

2) Choose to Be the Best you…you can be in the worst of situations.

3) Choose to forgive quickly…there are no rules on how long it should take for you to forgive someone, so do it now!

Great relationships require great work. Be a great forgiver and a great apologizer, when you take that step, your relationships will grow deeper and stronger.

From my book, Your Divine Fingerprint. For more information, click here.
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