The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit

What we consciously repeat becomes a subconscious force — for better or for worse — a habit-force. Today, I wanted to share this poem about the power of habit. The Power of Habit I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or your heaviest...
A Case for Elevated Thinking

A Case for Elevated Thinking

“If you will elevate your thinking you will elevate your life.” I believe when you elevate your thinking, you elevate your life. How important are our thoughts? When we come into the world as babies, our thoughts are not discovered. In fact, we...
Your Life Story

Your Life Story

Transformation is written by your life story. You are writing a life, a chapter each day, by deeds that you do and words that you say. People read what you write, whether faithless or true; what is life according to you? When people look at your life, it either...
3 Ways to Resolve Conflict

3 Ways to Resolve Conflict

“Whatever you choose not to resolve you choose to dissolve.” The Bible says, “In your anger, do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger and give a foothold to the devil.” It is not wrong to get angry, but one of the ways...
Developing Your Vision And Passion

Developing Your Vision And Passion

“A lack of passion for any area of your life is due to a lack of vision. Where there is no vision there is no passion.” Your Vision is your picture of the future you want. Vision drives Passion. For example, if you feel you have lost your Passion...
Be An Energy Producer!

Be An Energy Producer!

Winning at Life requires that you be an Energy Producer rather than an Energy Demander. Energy Producers add value wherever they go. Energy Demanders require that they be valued wherever they go. Becoming an Energy Producer requires you to use the best part of you,...