Servant Leadership is, in one word, Generosity. You are Generous when: You focus on what you have to give, not on what you want to receive. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” – JOHN F. KENNEDY You focus on what is...
“Serving kills the ‘It’s all about me’ self that needs to die.” – Most people are more concerned about being approved by others than influencing others. Their need for approval becomes an obstacle for them being influential...
“When you elevate your thinking, you elevate your life!” – You begin to Discover your God-given greatness when you take ownership of your Thinking. You take ownership of your thinking when you begin to understand you can...
“Your life story is your life story. Your power comes from this life story. It’s not about living perfectly but that you are learning from the story you are writing.” – Transformation is written by your life story. You are writing a life, a chapter...
Leadership on any level is a privilege. It is more than a position, it is a disposition. It is more than prestige, it is an honor. It is more than being looked to, it is looking out for others. It is more than the fulfillment of a goal … Leadership’s goal is to...
You prove God’s place in your life by what you do with your time, talent and treasure. God doesn’t need your time…. He doesn’t need your talent… and He certainly doesn’t need your money. But what you do with those three commodities...