3 Proven Ways to Resolve Conflict

3 Proven Ways to Resolve Conflict

The Bible says, “In your anger, do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger and give a foothold to the devil.” It is not wrong to get angry, but one of the ways we sin (literally miss the mark) is to allow conflict to go unresolved. Conflict...
Find the Pattern for a Quality-Filled Life

Find the Pattern for a Quality-Filled Life

Do you know what the pattern for a quality-filled life is? It is simple, it all starts with faithfulness. Faithfulness is the breeding ground for Trust. Trust is the breeding ground for Intimacy. Intimacy is the breeding ground for Respect. Respect is the breeding...
The Secret to GROW Yourself

The Secret to GROW Yourself

How can you grow yourself? It begins with having GREAT relationships and this becomes possible when you do these 3 things: Know your WHY. When you know your why, it determines your who and your who’s, what and your WHAT IT is, and who and what works for you. To know...
What Makes Great Relationships?

What Makes Great Relationships?

“A quality-filled life is the by-product of great relationships.” -Leadershipology.com What makes a relationship great? Intimacy. To achieve intimacy, you must first start with God. You have to draw close to Him, knowing that He will draw close to you. Building...
Believing the Best in Others

Believing the Best in Others

“Believing the Best in others with your attitude and actions may be the closest thing on this side of eternity to God.” -Leadershipology.com Believing the Best is born out of a heart of love. It empowers you to rise to your best because someone believes you can. Most...
The Power of YOUR Belief

The Power of YOUR Belief

What you believe is more important than what anyone will ever tell you. In fact, what you believe about YOURSELF drives your behavior and the actions you take. If I were to ask you, “What is the most important part of a tree?”  I hope your answer would be, the roots! ...