Find the Pattern for a Quality-Filled Life

Find the Pattern for a Quality-Filled Life

Do you know what the pattern for a quality-filled life is? It is simple, it all starts with faithfulness. Faithfulness is the breeding ground for Trust. Trust is the breeding ground for Intimacy. Intimacy is the breeding ground for Respect. Respect is the breeding...
How to Help Cause Growth

How to Help Cause Growth

In life, you can’t control everything that happens to you. But, you can control how it affects you! The biblical character Jabez provides an example of someone who controlled how things affected him. “Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother...
Prayer in this Season

Prayer in this Season

We know that the Bible says that we should pray. We understand that prayer is important to God. But, how do we pray for others? How do we pray for ourselves? When I pray for my friends, our staff and the people I am in relationship with, I pray what I call the 10...
My Prayer over our Texas Capitol this Morning

My Prayer over our Texas Capitol this Morning

Today I had the immense privilege to be at the Texas State Capitol to pray over the House of Representatives as they began their session. It was an honor to invite the presence of Jesus into the Capitol and pronounce a blessing over our lawmakers and the GREAT state...
Five Important God Agreements

Five Important God Agreements

Agree right with God on what you’ve been rightly given. Have you ever found yourself agreeing with more of what is wrong than what is right? Agreement is the secret of great power. The Bible says, “If any two of you agree as touching anything, is shall be done.” You...
Your Job is to Believe

Your Job is to Believe

Our job is to believe…God’s job is to do the impossible. Jesus taught that if you have the faith of a grain of a mustard seed, the smallest of seeds, you can move mountains. Before Jesus said that, even before He was born, Mary the mother of Jesus, who was a...