The Something Special

The Something Special

I was with our family recently watching and listening to our granddaughter Layla Shayla interact with different members of our family. It made me think of how many people she has in her life, that love and adore her. Earlier that day I had posted a picture collage of...
It’s Your Wedding Day!

It’s Your Wedding Day!

Marriage…the closest thing to heaven…on earth “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman,...
What Makes Love Last?

What Makes Love Last?

“When you don’t fall in love you can’t fall out of love.” Love that lasts, is love that is chosen. Love may begin with a feeling, but it is expressed through our choice to take action. Love that never fails is love that never stops...
Happy Valentine’s Day!  

Happy Valentine’s Day!  

Today is Valentine’s Day, a time to express the love we have for others. In expressing that love, you must know what love is to you. What is your … love is? Here are a few thoughts about what love is to me. Love is … being with a person who makes you feel fully alive!...


Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. It is a time when flowers, heart-shaped candies, and cards are used to express our love for others. But what is love? Is it just a “secondhand emotion” as the song says? Or is it something bigger? And how can we make it last longer than...
Love and Leadership

Love and Leadership

What is your “Love is…”? Love that lasts is love that is chosen. Love may begin with a feeling, but it is expressed through our choice to take action. Love that never fails is love that never stops trying. If you don’t fall in love, you will not fall out...