The What and Why’s of Leadership

The What and Why’s of Leadership

I have been asked numerous times, “what is leadership and why is it necessary?” As a foundation, I have defined leadership as…the capacity of an individual to grow and advance personally that creates an ability to empower others to do the same. To answer, why is...

4 Defining Questions to Define Your Greatness!

What you accomplish in life is determined by your ability to focus. Where are you placing yours? My encouragement is to define your greatness and direct your focus toward it. Why? Because the greater your greatness, the greater your opportunities! Here are 4 defining...
The Art of Asking Questions

The Art of Asking Questions

  Questions are powerful because they direct and reveal answers. Some people ask questions about the past…what has been? Why did that happen to me? A better question would be, how can I use what happened to me to make my life better? Some people ask questions...
Think Opportunity

Think Opportunity

“With every opportunity comes responsibility.” When it comes to personal growth and development, there are no limits to one’s progress. You can use every situation, person or circumstance for your own personal growth. You grow when you...
Leadership Is A Choice

Leadership Is A Choice

“Leadership is being before doing.” Leadership is a way of Thinking, Being and Doing life, that determines what you have in life. Leadership begins with Thinking beyond normal. It is a choice to Be more than what comes natural/normal. It is a way...
The Greatest Seed

The Greatest Seed

“Use what you have to bless people and you will never run out of blessings.” Voltaire said, “If we would destroy the Christian religion we must, first of all, destroy man’s belief in the Bible.” Every word of the bible is a...