Growth Elevated Thought: When you make God’s cause your cause, God makes your cause His cause! Keith A. Craft Tags: Big Thought Elevated Thought
Open Heavens Big Thought: As we open up ourselves to Think, Be, and Do kingdom God’s way, God opens the Heavens to reveal to us His way. Keith A. Craft Tags: 10/22/16 Big Thought Open Heavens Series
Winning Winning in life begins with losing God’s way! Keith A. Craft Tags: 4/23/16 Big Thought Winning Series
Winning Big Thought: Winning is changing your “Whatever will be will be” to “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!” Keith A. Craft Tags: 4/30/2016 Big Thought Winning Series
Faith Big Thought: Faith is not just believing that God’s way is better than yours, but it is “wanting what God wants” for you and doing your part to get it. Keith A. Craft Tags: Big Thought