Life is a journey. Our ability to navigate our life; marriage, family, relationships, finances, health, etc…is in direct proportion to our personal growth and development. Therefore, life is a Leadership Journey. God has given you a unique fingerprint to leave...
“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:” – Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV Since 2015, I have posted a leadership blog every day. The goal was to be a personal growth and development blog to help you in your quest to reach your full God-given...
“When you do hard things, you are training yourself to accomplish Great Things!” – Theodore Roosevelt was challenged by his father to dedicate himself to hard drudgery. He would later describe what he would call his strenuous life: ‘I...
“The goals we set and the actions we take toward those goals determine what we make of our lives.” A goal is just a dream until we take action. In the game of basketball, the smallest thing on the court is the most significant thing…the...
“When you are Generous, you are the most like God.” One of the definitions of Generosity is…a spirit of freedom to give liberally. The Bible says,”For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should...